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Teal and Trout Home

Beautiful but dangerous...

Please aware of snakes on the estate, and please don't kill them, they are an integral part of the ecosystem of the estate.

What to do if you see a snake:

Don't panic!! When you see a snake remember it is likely it has seen you too. In the majority of cases snakes will retreat to nearby cover but on occasion will lay still in hope you will go away. A snake will not make a deliberate motion towards you unless provoked.

Keep pets and people well away from the snake. The more interaction the snake has the more intimidated it will become. 95% OF SNAKE BITES OCCUR WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO CATCH OR KILL SNAKES. Don't knowingly place yourself or those around you into the highest risk category. No snake left alone is dangerous.

Make sure to have the number of a licensed snake handler ready in case of a surprise snake encounter. Trying to find the number whilst endeavoring to keep watch on a snake is time consuming and delays any response to your situation.

For any assistance contact the Estate Manager.

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