Snakebite in southern Africa...
Snakebites can be serious and sometimes life-threatening and require swift and appropriate treatment. The majority of victims do,...
Teal and Trout Update 2018
Unfortunately our tractor broke down and after investigating all options, decided it was not economically viable to repair and decided to...
Beautiful but dangerous...
Please aware of snakes on the estate, and please don't kill them, they are an integral part of the ecosystem of the estate. What to do if...
Recent Fish Stocking
All the Dams at Teal and Trout were recently stocked. We would like to thank Gary Newman for his assistance. 529 fish ranging from 250g...
5kg Monster Rainbow Trout caught
Well done to Paul Susan on reeling in this monster rainbow, weighing in at 5kg......!!!
Who said Ladies can't fish?
It seems like the ladies had great success on woman day..Sonja Larkan landed a beautiful rainbow hen. Well done! Thats one more for the...
Block Burning
As part of our Fire control programme we have been doing block buring and creating fire breaks around the estate. Here are some pics of...
Trout restocking....
We have recently restocked our dams with beautiful rainbow and brown trout. Some trophy size fish have been added to some of the dams,...